Eddie O’Toole, leader of Berkshire Amistad, can be reached via:
1218 West St., Pittsfield, MA 01201, 413-645-2003, or eddie@berkshireamistad.org.
To make donations electronically, please phone or email me.
BerkshireAmistad is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit; donations are tax-deductible.
Our current projects include:
- Library in Guaimaca, Honduras
- Lenca High School in Intibuca, Honduras
- Aid Shipments
- Container#1 personal medical equip.
- Container#2 hospital medical equip.
- Container#3 Filing cabinets and school equipment
How you can help?
By sending your email address, we’ll be able to keep you informed of our latest news, projects, and what we need.
Donations – send donations to above address. To make donations electronically, call or email me.
Collect wheelchairs and crutches.
NEW PROJECT – Berkshire Amistad has 100+ filing cabinets to be shipped to schools in Honduras; please help fill them with reading glasses and sun glasses.
Anything you can’t deliver to our warehouse on 4th st., or mail to us, please phone us to arrange for pick-up. Thank you.